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Mar 05, 2022
In Education Forum
When consumers are not sufficiently familiar Country Email List with a product, they tend to take into account the price of the most expensive product in the category to which the product in question belongs, when building their mental scheme Country Email List with respect to it. This is the main strategy followed by many supermarkets, which tend to place their "private labels" alongside leading brands in certain categories, offering buyers "succulent Country Email List discounts" for almost the same product. Psychological Pricing Strategies Usual or usual price (sweets) The consumption of frequently Country Email List purchased or low-priced products is usually sold at round units of currency. What is usually done is not to raise the price, but to freeze it for a while by reducing the size or raise it by increasing its content. Even Country Email List versus odd prices . Odd prices (or odd decimals) are associated with lower quality products. If we want to offer an image of prestige and exclusivity, they would not be highly Country Email List recommended. Image or prestige prices. These are high prices that seek to denote quality. There must be a reciprocal and positive Country Email List relationship between price and quality. Price based on perceived value. Price assigned based on utility or consumer satisfaction. For example, a consumer would be willing to pay Country Email List more for a salad at a fancy restaurant than at a popular one, even though the salad is the same. psychological prices Pricing strategies according to the product portfolio Loss leader. It means having a Country Email List product with low prices that does not provide benefits but serves as a lure to attract new buyers and sell another series of products with higher prices.
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